  • 联系方式
  • 联系人:张凯丽
  • 电 话:0371-62626868
  • 手 机:
  • 传 真:0371-62629997
  • 地 址:河南省新郑市新村镇107国道西侧

  • 产品展示
产品名称: SY-A型高清印字机
产品编号: 201003
产品商标: 郑州顺意
产品规格: 1-2ml\5-10ml\20ml
参考价格: 面议
更新日期: 2012/3/10 9:12:53
被阅次数: 1637次
  • 详细说明


SY-A High Definition Printing Machine

一、       产品性能:

Product properties


       Small-volume injection high definition printing machine SY-A is a patented product self-researched by our company which has functions of printing clearly, plate making conveniently and high automaticity as well as printing clearly, strong third dimension and printing images and languages and letters of various countries. This machine is a replacing type of the present copper letters printing machine, steel needles printing machine and resin printing machine which breaks the traditional control concept. It adopts PLC programming technology and touch screen control which makes the machine more automatically. The printing ink can be loaded automatically. In addition, the machine can automatically transfer printing, automatically clearing edition, automatically loading bottles and steadily loading bases which dramatically lessens the labor intensity of traditional operation and improves the production efficiency. These functions generate a better guarantee of drug quality and can help your products to occupy a higher status in the competition among the same industry. This machine is a necessity to produce exporting drugs.



Main technical parameters:


            Name of product: High Definition Printing Machine SY-A


            Overall length of standard frame is 2.9m, width is 0.53m and the height of table-board is 0.71-0.76m.


             Heating and drying device: 1320W


            Regular power consumption: 600W

       总  重 量:260公斤

            Total weight: 260kg

       产     量:1-2毫升3.6—5.4万支/小时



            Output: 1-2ml  3.6-5.4 ten thousand pieces/hour

              5-10ml  1.5-2.5 ten thousand pieces/hour

               20ml   1.2-2.0 ten thousand pieces/hour

       字版 成本:0.2元/批

            Letter cost: 0.2 Yuan/batch

       油    墨 :3元/50万支

            Printing ink: 3Yuan/500,000 bottles

废 品 率 :         1‰

Defective index:     1‰

破 损 率 :        0.1‰

Breakage rate:     0.1‰

  • 郑州市顺意药械有限公司 版权所有
  • 电话:0371-62626868  传真:0371-62629997
  • 地址:河南省新郑市新村镇107国道西侧  邮编:451150